Vehicle Tracking System-Software and Protocol Used

Vehicle tracking management has become an entire field nowadays and a unit which is fixed in the automobiles is used for tracking along with the application used for it.

There are number of computer generated tracking mechanisms available which you can do automatically. Using GSM module, communication can be done and information can be transferred to the server with the help of GPRS facility. Information about the vehicle can be seen using PC and vehicle can be tracked using maps through application software used for it through inter network. In large cities and urban areas, vehicle tracking has become a duty of public transit authorities, so the organization Net Research Labs created the software VETRAC as well as InVANET, where VETRAC being a wireless enabled vehicle tracking management system which is used especially in urban city. InVANET can be used as a division of automotive electronics which has to find out an optimal minimum path for travel with minimum intensity for traffic. This system can be utilized for locating city guide and finding out the landmarks in new city.

Whenever you need to track more than one vehicle at a time then you need to have some standard rules come communication protocol in order to avoid the signal interference. The simple and most common method used is TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) where each IVU (In-Vehicle Unit) communicates during the predetermined time slots. The synchronization is not much difficult, when we have IVU which is GPS based, as the GPS receiver delivers very clear reference signal for time. TDMA based have very less expandability as well as flexibility and their bandwidth is also poor. Each vehicle is dealt with the control station and the IVU sends the data accordingly. Nowadays ‘the ball is in the court’ of service providers as the demand for communication links are increasing. Europe and America are taking the lead in service providing and in countries like India, this area has yet to come under light.

About the author:

When buying a vehicle tracking system the number one consideration should be what return on investment it can offer. The ROI often depends on what features the system includes, so comparing features as well as costs is vital before deciding on a system.

Vehicle tracking is a mature technology which helps companies to streamline their operation and cut costs. Simply by knowing where your vehicles are at all times could revolutionize the way your business operates overnight.

The Dangers of Drift Racing

The Dangers of Drift Racing
Drifting, or drift racing, has received considerable media attention over the years, especially in films and TV programs. Watching a car gracefully slide across the road is an impressive sight. For professional drifters, this is a dangerous sport. For amateurs, it is particularly hazardous. It is possible to learn and practice drifting on certain tracks but street racing is strictly illegal in most other places throughout the U.S. Law enforcement officers will not hesitate to arrest individuals who are engaging in street racing.
Why is drifting so dangerous?
When you drift around a curve, you don’t slow down as much as you would normally, which means you are going much faster than normal when you come out of the curve. You could easily lose control of the car and smash into a wall or another vehicle.
Also, not every car is suitable for drifting. Driftable cars must have excellent suspension and rear wheel drive. Drifting balds the tires at a much faster rate, so you will have to replace them more frequently. Drifting with the wrong kind of car drastically increases the risk of crashing or spinning out of control. Successful drifters must also know when the car’s weight will shift and be able to regulate the throttle.
Drifting in movies and TV shows looks really easy to do but is in fact a very difficult feat to accomplish. Single or multiple car accidents that result from failed attempts at drifting can be particularly messy. When a driver acts recklessly on the road and causes an accident, that person may be responsible for any and all injuries and damages that result from his or her dangerous behavior.

Real Time Adventure With Racing Car Games

Are you always searching for some of the best racing car games? You can just be sure that there are millions of websites that host these games online, so you may just not find it hard to try and locate one for yourself. A number of people like playing these games just because of all the fun, thrill and excitement that they deliver and the best part is that there are no speed limits here, so you can always drive as fast as you want to. Speed is definitely one main reason why these games are becoming more popular.
When playing one such game online you can always ensure developing your decision making ability as you have to take some quick decisions when playing these games with your opponents. These certainly may only be few reasons why most people enjoy playing these games online.

You can always be sure that playing racing car games online may help in improving the moment of your blood and also the level of adrenaline in your body. There are also a number of people who feel that playing these games certainly helps them so that they think much faster and process things more sharper.
These games are designed such that they may help you get motivated so you can in fact try and establish your goals and at the same time may try to achieve them. So if you constantly win when playing these racing car games then you develop a desire to succeed in your life. There are a number of people who may also apply this principle in their daily life so they can always achieve their goals easily. These are also few reasons why most people like playing these games online such that they easily become addicted to these games.

Playing these online games can always make you feel more active and more fresh so you get relaxed both mentally and physically.
Racing car games also motivate us and give us the desire of being very much successful in our life. You just have to keep in mind that this adrenaline rush is very important as our body is always hungry for it. We certainly feel good when playing these games as adrenaline rush makes our body feel good. You have to be sure that you don’t over play these games beyond its limits.